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2017 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 -2012
June 1, 2017
HAVE YOU SEEN ME? - In the summer of 2014, my fiancee and I went to Northern Ireland and England for ten days of vacation, ostensibly to speak with and research another book on DeLorean I had planned. While on the trip, we were able to...read more
HAVE YOU SEEN ME? - In the summer of 2014, my fiancee and I went to Northern Ireland and England for ten days of vacation, ostensibly to speak with and research another book on DeLorean I had planned. While on the trip, we were able to...read more
2015 - Back to Top
March 5, 2015
NOW IN JAPANESE - I'm very pleased and honored to announce the first foreign translation of The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles is now available...read more
NOW IN JAPANESE - I'm very pleased and honored to announce the first foreign translation of The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles is now available...read more
2014 - Back to Top
October 9, 2014
BARRIE WILLS SAYS... - I am honored to have Barrie Wills, the longest serving employee of DeLorean Motor Cars Limited, contribute an "Afterword" to The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles - his words are below...read more
BARRIE WILLS SAYS... - I am honored to have Barrie Wills, the longest serving employee of DeLorean Motor Cars Limited, contribute an "Afterword" to The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles - his words are below...read more
September 12, 2014
UPDATED SECOND EDITION NOW AVAILABLE - The updated second edition of The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles is now available from Amazon.com, eBay.com, delorean.com and most DeLorean dealer locations...read more
UPDATED SECOND EDITION NOW AVAILABLE - The updated second edition of The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles is now available from Amazon.com, eBay.com, delorean.com and most DeLorean dealer locations...read more
February 9, 2014
WHY LOW MILEAGE DELOREANS CON'T CARRY THE PRICE PREMIUM SELLERS THINK THEY DO - This is something that buyers run up against all the time. The seller thinks that because the DeLorean they are selling has "low miles" that it has extra value...read more
WHY LOW MILEAGE DELOREANS CON'T CARRY THE PRICE PREMIUM SELLERS THINK THEY DO - This is something that buyers run up against all the time. The seller thinks that because the DeLorean they are selling has "low miles" that it has extra value...read more
2013 - Back to Top
September 13, 2013
FRAME RUST...QUITE POSSIBLY THE #1 VALUE-KILLER IN DELOREAN CARS TODAY - Unfortunately, the person who bought this car didn't have a copy of my book first. While the car looked okay-ish on the topside and interior, the extensive frame rust...read more
FRAME RUST...QUITE POSSIBLY THE #1 VALUE-KILLER IN DELOREAN CARS TODAY - Unfortunately, the person who bought this car didn't have a copy of my book first. While the car looked okay-ish on the topside and interior, the extensive frame rust...read more
May 28, 2013
NEW OPTION FOR UK/EU BUYERS - UK and EU book buyers take note - the book is now readily available from a UK stockist for faster and less expensive shipping than if shipped from the USA...read more
NEW OPTION FOR UK/EU BUYERS - UK and EU book buyers take note - the book is now readily available from a UK stockist for faster and less expensive shipping than if shipped from the USA...read more
April 28, 2013
CLASSIC CARS MAGAZINE (UK) - The June 2013 article of Classic Cars Magazine features a short, four-page article on buying a DeLorean which, unfortunately, only skims the very surface of the subject. Like many...read more
CLASSIC CARS MAGAZINE (UK) - The June 2013 article of Classic Cars Magazine features a short, four-page article on buying a DeLorean which, unfortunately, only skims the very surface of the subject. Like many...read more
April 3, 2013
GREAT ARTICLE FROM HAGERTY CLASSIC CAR INSURANCE - Hagerty is probably the #1 insurer of DeLorean cars that are used as "pleasure" or "collector" vehicles. In my experience they have...read more
GREAT ARTICLE FROM HAGERTY CLASSIC CAR INSURANCE - Hagerty is probably the #1 insurer of DeLorean cars that are used as "pleasure" or "collector" vehicles. In my experience they have...read more
March 29, 2013
WRITE A REVIEW FOR A CHANCE TO WIN! - If you own and have read my book, I'd like to offer you a chance to win a cool little piece of DeLorean memorabilia. Simply write a review of the book at...read more
WRITE A REVIEW FOR A CHANCE TO WIN! - If you own and have read my book, I'd like to offer you a chance to win a cool little piece of DeLorean memorabilia. Simply write a review of the book at...read more
February 25, 2013
HOW TO SELL YOUR DELOREAN - Today I'm turning the tables and telling people how to SELL their DeLorean. Since the book has been released, I've gotten a number of questions from people who want to *sell* their DeLorean, and ask for advice...read more
HOW TO SELL YOUR DELOREAN - Today I'm turning the tables and telling people how to SELL their DeLorean. Since the book has been released, I've gotten a number of questions from people who want to *sell* their DeLorean, and ask for advice...read more
February 25, 2013
DISSECTING A CRAIGSLIST DELOREAN AD - Today I'm turning the tables and telling people how to SELL their DeLorean. Since the book has been released, I've gotten a number of questions from people who want to *sell* their DeLorean, and ask for..read more
DISSECTING A CRAIGSLIST DELOREAN AD - Today I'm turning the tables and telling people how to SELL their DeLorean. Since the book has been released, I've gotten a number of questions from people who want to *sell* their DeLorean, and ask for..read more
2012 - Back to top
November 15, 2012
WORKING ON SOMETHING FOR YOU ALL... - Working on a reader-requested evaluation of car they were considering buying - until they read the book, at least. This particular Craigslist ad is a potential disaster in the making - stay...read more
WORKING ON SOMETHING FOR YOU ALL... - Working on a reader-requested evaluation of car they were considering buying - until they read the book, at least. This particular Craigslist ad is a potential disaster in the making - stay...read more
October 29, 2012
A NEW REVIEW! SPEEDREADERS.INFO SAYS... - "This 9 x 6″ softcover is small and light enough to fit into a coat pocket when you hit the road to examine your dream car. It is, much like the original car in its day, not cheap...but the information it contains...read more
A NEW REVIEW! SPEEDREADERS.INFO SAYS... - "This 9 x 6″ softcover is small and light enough to fit into a coat pocket when you hit the road to examine your dream car. It is, much like the original car in its day, not cheap...but the information it contains...read more
October 27, 2012
NOW AVAILABLE AT AUTOBOOKS & AEROBOOKS IN BURBANK, CALIFORNIA... - Super happy to now have the book carried in a "brick and mortar" bookstore - and especially Autobooks-Aerobooks, a Burbank, California institution since 1951! ...read more
NOW AVAILABLE AT AUTOBOOKS & AEROBOOKS IN BURBANK, CALIFORNIA... - Super happy to now have the book carried in a "brick and mortar" bookstore - and especially Autobooks-Aerobooks, a Burbank, California institution since 1951! ...read more
October 10, 2012
JOHN LAMM, AUTHOR OF DELOREAN: STAINLESS STEEL ILLUSION SAYS... - "Having now had a chance to go through the book, I can't imagine there is anything that is not covered. Well done...it is the ultimate DeLorean book. From day one to the...read more
JOHN LAMM, AUTHOR OF DELOREAN: STAINLESS STEEL ILLUSION SAYS... - "Having now had a chance to go through the book, I can't imagine there is anything that is not covered. Well done...it is the ultimate DeLorean book. From day one to the...read more
October 6, 2012
OWNER'S MANUAL AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION... - One of the questions I get asked from time to time is "what documents came with the car when new?" In this posting, I'll show these documents and briefly describe them. There were two...read more
OWNER'S MANUAL AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION... - One of the questions I get asked from time to time is "what documents came with the car when new?" In this posting, I'll show these documents and briefly describe them. There were two...read more
October 3, 2012
PDF PREVIEW OF THE THE BOOK ADDED TO THE SITE... - Take a look over at the right side of the screen - just below the "Free Preview" text is a link to a PDF preview of the book, just in case you haven't seen any part of it yet. Check it out. I'm...read more
PDF PREVIEW OF THE THE BOOK ADDED TO THE SITE... - Take a look over at the right side of the screen - just below the "Free Preview" text is a link to a PDF preview of the book, just in case you haven't seen any part of it yet. Check it out. I'm...read more
September 17, 2012
HEATING, VENTILIATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) DECALS... - Over the course of DeLorean production, there are five (5) known, different, HVAC panel decals used on the cars. I have been able to locate photographs of these five...read more
HEATING, VENTILIATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) DECALS... - Over the course of DeLorean production, there are five (5) known, different, HVAC panel decals used on the cars. I have been able to locate photographs of these five...read more
September 12, 2012
DAVE KINNEY, PUBLISHER OF "CARS THAT MATTER" PRICE GUIDE SAYS... - If you own, or are thinking of owning a DeLorean, "The Illustrated Buyers Guide to DeLorean Automobiles" is not just a should-have, it's an essential. This is the book that...read more
DAVE KINNEY, PUBLISHER OF "CARS THAT MATTER" PRICE GUIDE SAYS... - If you own, or are thinking of owning a DeLorean, "The Illustrated Buyers Guide to DeLorean Automobiles" is not just a should-have, it's an essential. This is the book that...read more
September 9, 2012
DANGERS OF TOWING A DELOREAN BACKWARDS... - As described in the book, owners/transporters are warned against towing a DeLorean car backwards without securing the rear louvre/sunshade in place. These photos...read more
DANGERS OF TOWING A DELOREAN BACKWARDS... - As described in the book, owners/transporters are warned against towing a DeLorean car backwards without securing the rear louvre/sunshade in place. These photos...read more
July 24, 2012
TEXTURED PONTOONS... - Had a reader question today: What is the VIN breakdown of textured pontoons versus smooth ones?...read more
TEXTURED PONTOONS... - Had a reader question today: What is the VIN breakdown of textured pontoons versus smooth ones?...read more
June 29, 2012
TRANSPORTER'S HANDBOOK... - As mentioned in The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles, the original DMC created a special "hand book" to explain and illustrate the special handling requirements...read more
TRANSPORTER'S HANDBOOK... - As mentioned in The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles, the original DMC created a special "hand book" to explain and illustrate the special handling requirements...read more
June 12, 2012
WHAT'S THIS SITE FOR? - I'll use this site to post updates and news as they pertain to The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles (aka TIBGDA). There are a few things I wanted to include in the book...read more
WHAT'S THIS SITE FOR? - I'll use this site to post updates and news as they pertain to The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles (aka TIBGDA). There are a few things I wanted to include in the book...read more
June 7, 2012
IT'S COMPLETE! - Final stats - 122 pages, 227 photos/illustrations, 31,593 words and 8 years in the making! Many people, when shopping for a DeLorean, live in an area where the one they are considering may be the only one available for miles...read more
IT'S COMPLETE! - Final stats - 122 pages, 227 photos/illustrations, 31,593 words and 8 years in the making! Many people, when shopping for a DeLorean, live in an area where the one they are considering may be the only one available for miles...read more