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Many people, when shopping for a DeLorean, live in an area where the one they are considering may be the only one available for miles around. This means they often have nothing to compare it against, unlike more common collector vehicles.
This book serves as a reference as to what is right, what is wrong, what to "snap up" and what to run away from. Buying the right DeLorean can be one of the greatest experiences of your life, and buying the wrong one can bury you in parts and service costs - use this book to learn more about the DeLorean car before you buy!
Click here to download a free PDF (5mb) preview of The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles!
This 130+ page book has more than 200 full-color photos and illustrations and was written by an executive of the the DeLorean Motor Company (Texas) who bought his first DeLorean in 1995 and since has bought and sold more than 250 DeLorean cars. Working with buyers and sellers from all over the world, the book will help you learn from these experiences and get the right DeLorean for your desired usage and budget.
Click here to download a free PDF (5mb) preview of The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles!
This book serves as a reference as to what is right, what is wrong, what to "snap up" and what to run away from. Buying the right DeLorean can be one of the greatest experiences of your life, and buying the wrong one can bury you in parts and service costs - use this book to learn more about the DeLorean car before you buy!
Click here to download a free PDF (5mb) preview of The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles!
This 130+ page book has more than 200 full-color photos and illustrations and was written by an executive of the the DeLorean Motor Company (Texas) who bought his first DeLorean in 1995 and since has bought and sold more than 250 DeLorean cars. Working with buyers and sellers from all over the world, the book will help you learn from these experiences and get the right DeLorean for your desired usage and budget.
Click here to download a free PDF (5mb) preview of The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles!
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where to buy
You can purchase a copy of The Illustrated Buyer's Guide to DeLorean Automobiles online from the DeLorean Garage,,, and DeLorean Motor Company.
The book is also sold at all DeLorean Motor Company locations and Autobooks & Aerobooks in Burbank, California.
The book is also sold at all DeLorean Motor Company locations and Autobooks & Aerobooks in Burbank, California.
more great tips!
Check out the blog where I post on some of the more esoteric subjects of DeLorean cars and answer reader questions!